Friday 1 October 2010

Importing FLV's to Flash

The Development work I have covered during the lesson:
This lesson I imported my FLV. files into Adobe Flash. To do this I had to open up Adobe Flash, I then had to select 'Create New' and then select 'Flash File (ActionScript 3.0). This then brought up a new empty file. i then clicked on file, then import, then import to library. This then brought up an option asking me to select a file that I wanted to import into Flash, I then opened up the folder that i had stored all of my film files in and then selected them one by one. This then brought each of the film files up in the library.
How this met the Client Brief:
This met the client brief because the brief states that I must build a front end for my film that includes scenes, outtakes and subtitles. by uploading these files i have met the client brief as i have film files that are the scenes, outtakes and subtitles of the film.
Skill Number:

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