Friday 1 October 2010

Converting WMV to FLV

The Development work I have covered during the lesson:
This lesson I had to convert my finished film that was saved as a WMV. file, to a FLV. file, this is because by converting the film to FLV. I could then import my video files into Adobe Flash. To convert my video files I had to open Adobe Media Encoder CS4. After the program had loaded i had to click on the 'Add' button on the top left of the program. This then brought up a screen that asked me to locate the file that I wanted to convert. After I had selected the file that I wanted to convert, I then had to chose what format that I wanted to convert the film files to, which was FLV. This then added all of the film files to a queue ready for conversion, I then had to click 'Start Queue' this then started the conversion of the files. I then had to wait approximately 1 minute per files to be converted. This was the final step in the conversion of the WMV. to FLV. process.
How this met the Client Brief:
This met the client brief because it says that i must use Adobe Flash to produce my front end, and by converting these files to the correct format that Adobe Flash can open I can now start to produce my front end on Adobe Flash.
Skill Number:

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