Wednesday 29 September 2010

Saving film in correct format

The Development work I have covered during the lesson:
This lesson I completed my fully edited film, I then had to save my film. I had to make sure that i saved my film in the correct format so that I could then convert my films in Adobe Media Encoder. To save my film in the correct format I had to click on file, then save as a WMV. file. This is because if I saved my film in a different format Adobe Media Encoder would not be able to convert my film files. I then had to chose which folder i wanted to save my film in, I created a special folder in the Student Shared drive so that I could save all of my film files in the same location.
How this met the Client Brief:
This met the client brief because it says that I have to produce my film in Adobe Flash, by saving my files in this correct format it allows me to convert my film in Adobe Media Encoder so that I could then import the files into Adobe Flash.
Skill Number:

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