Monday, 27 September 2010

Adding Open/Close Credits

The Development work I have covered during the lesson:
This lesson I had to add Opening and Closing credits to my film. I did this because i thought it would make the film flow more than if I just started the film straight away and then ended it sharply. To add the Opening/Closing credits I had to click on the left side of Windows Movie Maker on the option that said 'Edit' after clicking this 5 drop downs appeared, one of these drop downs was the option to add Open/Close credits to the film. I then clicked on this option, this then brought up a screen asking me to input the text that I wanted to be displayed on the Opening/Closing credits, I then had the option to change the font style, the font colour and the font size. I then had to click the 'Complete' button at the bottom of the page, this then added the Opening credits to the beginning of the film and the closing credits to the end of the film.
How this met the Client Brief:
This met the client brief because the brief states that I must include a opening and closing credits section to my film, this step has ensured that i have met a part of the client brief criteria.
Skill Number:

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