Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Special Effects

The Development work I have covered during the lesson:
This lesson I added special effects to my film using Windows Movie Maker. To do this I had to click on the left side of the page, and then i had to click on the add special effects option. This then brought down a drop down box, I then clicked on the 'Add Transitions' option, this then brought up a different screen, this screen gave me the option to select what transition that i wanted to use between each scene. Once i had chosen what transition I wanted I then clicked complete. After i clicked complete the screen closed and the it took me back to where I edited my film. In the centre of the screen was the transition that I chose previously. I then had to click on the story board at the bottom of the page, this showed the film clips and then separating these clips was a small box. I then clicked on this small box and then i dragged the transition into the box, this then added the transition between two scenes that I wanted to separate.
How this met the Client Brief:
This met the client brief because in the client brief i stated that I was going to produce a fully edited film and addind transitions into a film is part of the editing process.
Skill Number:

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